Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Second Reason Spots Sometimes Reappear

Reason # 2: Re-soiling. Re-soiling is caused by a sticky residue that has been left behind. What causes the residue? It may be from the spot itself, the cleaner that was used (especially an over the counter cleaner, like those foam type), or both. I once had a residue issue at a job due to me not rinsing out the spot cleaner I used thoroughly enough. Once I returned and flushed the cleaner out, the carpet looked as good as new.  

Some common residue causes are over-the-counter carpet cleaners purchased at the grocery store. The sticky residue they leave behind often attracts more dirt. They are usually not rinsed out properly, since their instructions often say to let them dry on the carpet then vacuum them up.
Avoid using these cleaners all together. If you have to use one of these cleaners, or you have to use dish washing detergent, use as little as possible and rinse with water thoroughly.
Other residue causes would be oily spots. Duct tape residue, body oils (like from our bare feet), lotions, sticky mats or other types of adhesive, etc. If all of the oily residue is not removed, it will attract soil as the carpet is walked on. Even quality professional cleaning may not remove all oily residue the first time.

SPECIAL NOTE: Cheap carpet cleaners use cheap products that are loaded with Optical Brighteners. Optical Brighteners are most commonly used in laundry detergent. They create an illusion of clean that causes the soil or spot to appear to be removed. The spot is still there. The soil is still there. Optical Brighteners create a film that reflects light so that the carpet looks incredibly clean. It's an optical illusion.

Using optical brighteners will often void your carpet's warranty. See your warranty for details.  

An illustration of this can be seen at a flea market, home show, or a late night infomercial. Someone will be demonstrating a miracle cleaner on a small rug. The rug is saturated with motor oil. The salesman then scoops off just the foam of the miracle cleaner and then presto, the motor oil is gone! This is physically impossible. Notice that the salesman has several bright lights shining on the demo rug to create the illusion.

Quality cleaning companies use quality, professional products, and they guarantee their work. Even though we could use cheaper products without our clients knowing, we've found that using a better quality means fewer call backs and happier clients.